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Many reports are available within the system. Each report contains a specific collection of data depending on the report. Some reports contain one or more parameters which require the User to enter data to enable the report content to be appropriately filtered.

All reports are automatically displayed on screen using a viewer. Using the viewer, you can navigate through the report, zoom, search for data, export in various formats, and print. When printing a report, the report content is rendered in PDF (Portable Document Format) and opened in Adobe Acrobat, from where it is printed.

There are two report categories:

1.General Reports

General Reports of various categories provide data listings of a static nature, that is, they do not provide the results of audit operations.

2.Audit Related Reports

Audit Reports provide the results of audit activities in the form of audit responses, Non-Conformances, findings etc. Each report contains data relating to a specific Audit.